R$ 49,90
Duration: 90 min |
Video: 6 |
1 |
Course Objective:
The main objective of this module is to help you become able to exercise authority in an inspiring way and influence the team in a positive way. An inspiring leader can lead the team to success, even in the face of great difficulties.
Program content:
1.1 Opening
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Target audience and objects
1.4 Strengthen the power of influence
1.5 Be heard and respected
1.6 How to ensure legitimacy and credibility
1.7 Izildinha Reflection
2.1 The 5 pillars of power
2.2 Know how to appeal to authority
2.3 How to have authority?
2.4 Izildinha Reflection
3.1 Defend your own interests and those of the collective
3.2 Knowing how to inspire and demand
3.3 Acting on the collective and on individuals
3.4 Izildinha Reflection
3.5 What is the ideal posture to influence
3.6 Izildinha Reflection
3.7 Balancing the interests of the company and the team
3.8 Closing
The course is carried out completely online, through an interactive and easy-to-use platform. Classes consist of explanatory videos, complementary materials, and practical exercises to consolidate learning.
Izildinha Rommel – Coach & Consultant
With a successful career, built in the financial sector of the Brazilian and French markets, he held fundamental responsibilities in complex projects for different departments and always in a multicultural context. Coach certified by International Mozaik (Master Business Coach) and accredited by ICF. Coach supervisor, trained and accredited by IDSUP, France. Member of the Professional Supervisor Federation (MCC).
Target Audience:
The course is aimed at people who want to increase their personal and professional impact.
General Recommendations:
This training is self-taught. We recommend that you take the course in an environment with WiFi, so that your connection is more stable. You can also access it via tablet and smartphone, in addition to the desktop.
About Instructors

R$ 49,90
Duration: 90 min |
Video: 6 |
1 |