R$ 19,90
Duration: 90 min |
Video: 12 |
1 |
Course Objective
The “Being Ambitious” course aims to challenge the notion that only a certain profile can achieve success in innovation and leadership. It seeks to empower participants to pursue their goals with determination, patience and meticulous planning, inspired by Shellye Archambeau's successful journey.
Program content
What takes
What does success mean to you?
Pause and Reflect
A bumpy road
Beware of Impostor Syndrome
A nagging doubt
What is Impostor Syndrome?
What causes Impostor Syndrome
Adjusted Perceptions
Who is at risk?
The dangers of Impostor Syndrome
Dealing with Impostor Syndrome
Prepare for the opportunity to appear
Are you ready?
Why do we feel trapped?
Believe in yourself
Get ready
Promote self-determination
What should Hakeem do?
What is self-confidence?
Those facing self-confidence challenges
How to promote self-confidence
Small steps make a big difference
Build your reputation
How do others see you?
Why is your reputation important?
Who makes the best impression?
Emmy makes a winning impression
Dress for success
Go one step higher
Be intentional
Grow your network
Who do you know?
Where to network?
Three-dimensional connections
Who should you add to your network?
Expanding your network
Give more than you receive
Forget about Work/Life Balance
Juggling Priorities
A impossible goal
Work/life balance doesn't work
The integration solution
Creating your integrated life plan
A series of phases
You can do everything, but you shouldn't
Feeling overwhelmed
Why do women feel the need to “do it all”?
A “do it all” mentality in the workplace
Work on your strengths
Let go of the reins
It's (more than) okay to ask for help
Shall we check in?
Are you exhausted?
Getting help
1. Make self-care a priority
2. Practice not being perfect
3. Learn to say “no”
Find your mentors
The missing piece
What is a mentor?
Letting go of formality
Who do you know?
The right way to ask
Does Archambeau's foolproof strategy work?
Tell people what you want
What are your intentions?
Why is there a promotion gap?
The reputation of being bossy
The paradox
Convey your intentions
Gaining courage
Be strategic when working towards your goals
What's in your backpack?
Key Takeaways
The course adopts a practical approach based on real experiences, using techniques taken from the book “Unapologetically Ambitious” by Shellye Archambeau. Classes are structured to promote reflection, discussion and application of the concepts learned to the personal and professional lives of participants.
The course is taught by qualified experts with experience in leadership, entrepreneurship and personal development, including contributions from Shellye Archambeau.
Target Audience
The course is aimed at individuals of all backgrounds and profiles, interested in developing leadership skills, overcoming challenges and achieving success in their fields.
General Recommendations
- Take time to reflect on the concepts presented and how to apply them in your life.
- Actively participate in discussions and proposed activities to maximize learning.
- Keep an open mind and be willing to challenge your own limitations.
About Instructors

R$ 19,90
Duration: 90 min |
Video: 12 |
1 |